Are there rules about what traffic cones to use?

Posted 2023-11-22

You’ve got a project coming up that’s close to a roadway. And now you need traffic cones to protect your crew and equipment.

But what kind of cones do you need? How tall? What color?

This isn’t like picking furniture. There are some rules and you can’t just go with what looks good.

All of the following guidance comes from the current 2009 version of the MUTCD (Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices). It establishes the standards for what’s allowed on public roads in the United States.

But…some states may have higher standards. Check your state’s MUTCD or supplement before you buy!

What COLOR traffic cone do I need?

Orange. You need orange cones. If you’re doing temporary work on or near a roadway, cones are required to be orange.

But what about cones on private property? Or in a warehouse?

In those cases you can use whatever color you want! Cones are available in other colors!

What SIZE traffic cone do I need?

The size of the cone depends on two things: the speed of the roadway, and the time of day you need them.

If roads are low speed and if your work is in the daytime, cones must be a minimum of 18” tall. Low speed is any roadway 40 miles per hour and below.

If the speeds are higher OR if your work happens during dark hours, you’ll need cones that are at least 28” tall.

36” tall cones are great for higher speeds and better visibility (but not required by the Indiana MUTCD).

What about traffic cone REFLECTIVITY?

So you’ll be working out there at night? Your 28” orange cones need one more thing…retro-reflective bands.

White retro-reflective bands around the cones make them super reflective for drivers to see.

If you’re working at night, they need to be bright!

So, what cones do you need?

18” cones are great if you’re doing work like:

  • Sealcoating
  • Parking lot painting
  • Installing cable to houses in residential neighborhoods

Always in the daytime and always on low speed roads (and personally, I would only use them on low volume roads)

But if you’re ever going to do work out on the road I highly recommend the 28” cones with retro-reflective bands.

You might not always work at night or at high speeds. But one day you’ll get a project that goes a few hours after dusk. Or is on a 45MPH road.

When that day comes you’ll need to go taller than 18”

Those 28” reflective cones work day or night and are great for most roadway speeds.

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